Ready to break free from the grind of your career?
Find out what’s keeping you trapped in the grind of your career. Take the 3-min. quiz to discover which of the 5 Career Mindsets drives your stress and overworking on the job.
Feeling overworked & overwhelmed in your career? I can help.
I help corporate professionals working long hours in demanding jobs stop overworking and feel better at work through my Breaking Free from the Grind 1:1 coaching program, corporate workshops, and podcast.
My Mission
To help overworked and overwhelmed corporate professionals break free from the stress of the corporate grind and create sustainable success in their careers.
Sustainable success is possible for you.
Professional success and sanity aren’t mutually exclusive (even in corporate!). You can work less, feel less stressed, and create sustainable success in your career.
Because when you feel better at work, you perform better in your career — without burning out.
How I Help Clients
BFG 1:1 Coaching
4-month Breaking Free from the Grind 1:1 coaching program.
BFG Podcast
Breaking Free from the Grind
weekly podcast on Spotify & Apple Podcasts
Group Workshops
For companies, professional organizations, and academic groups
As featured in