Employees who feel better at work, perform better at work

Fun, engaging and interactive workshops for your company, organization, or academic group.

Using the same tools and strategies developed for my Breaking Free from the Grind 1:1 coaching program, I partner with top firms, professional organizations, and academic groups to help employees feel and perform better at work.

In-person or virtual workshops are customized for groups of all sizes, with programming specifically developed for the most common challenges faced by high-performers in corporate industries like finance, tech, healthcare, and corporate law, among others.

Interested in learning more?

Let’s talk about ways we can partner together.

Workshops For

What Workshop Clients are Saying

  • “Amelia is a fabulous thought partner and ally, which gave me complete confidence in the workshop and content. "

    It was clear from the beginning that Amelia was genuinely interested in helping THIS specific organization. She brings strong, clear, and compelling ideas to the table while also leaving ample space for conversation, adjustment, and customization to meet your specific community's needs.

  • “Amelia didn’t just deliver a workshop, she delivered something that truly impacted our firm."

    With content that was real, honest, and cut to the heart of the issue, our entire group feel understood and supported.

  • “The value of these workshops is clear – they directly spoke to the pain points our team was facing and made it EASY."

    By delivering tangible, quick strategies that are easy to learn and apply, these workshops work. Our team came into the session feeling overwhelmed and – over the course of 90 minutes – walked away feeling empowered.

  • “The Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt workshop provided our member community with a fun and fulfilling opportunity to explore a topic that we know is very much top of mind. "

    The workshop was a dynamic and highly interactive program (and safe space) that combined facilitated learning with small group discussion and self-reflection in a way that both authentically and effectively served our unique population while honoring our company's values and goals.”

  • “Amelia’s warm and empathetic facilitation style has a way of powerfully driving audience engagement."

    She quickly made each individual feel comfortable to share, totally understood, and – most importantly – heard.”

  • “Amelia's facilitation style is an elegant combination of knowledgeable yet humble and open."

    She facilitates sessions in a way that’s authoritative yet relatable; and calming yet engaging. She created a compassionate space for our team while delivering content that went beyond the “fluff” in a way that’s reliable, honest, and real.

Popular workshop topics include:

  • Creating Sustainable Career Success

    Stopping People Pleasing

    Effective Prioritization & Focus

  • Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

    Ditching Perfectionism

    Overcoming the Fear of Failure & Going for Your Goals

  • Navigating Workplace Politics

    Overcoming Overthinking & Making Career Decisions

    Building an Invaluable Network